Aditya Gupta

Aditya Gupta

NodeJS MySQL Create Database

NodeJS MySQL Create Database Thumbnail

MySQL Database is used to store the collection of records in the form of tables consisting of rows and columns. The Database in MySQL can be handled using SQL queries. SQL stands for Structured Query Language, which can perform many…

NodeJS MySQL Create Connection

NodeJS MySQL Create Connection

MySQL is a relational database management system that stores data in one or more tables of columns and uses structured query languages to perform different operations on them. For interacting with MySQL Database it is required to run a MySQL…

Build a CRUD API in Node.js

CRUD API Thumbnail

API stands for Application Programming Interface that acts as a bridge between two systems such as a client and server in order to perform various operations on data. The client i.e the system which uses API can request different data…

NodeJS MongoDB Create Database

MongoDB Create Database Thumbnail

MongoDB is a NoSQL database that can store a large amount of unstructured data. Data stored in MongoDB are easy to retrieve as it can hold them in flexible formats depending upon the need such as graphs, key values, documents,…

NodeJS MySQL Delete Record

NodeJS MySQL Delete Record

To Delete records from a MySQL table, the SQL query can be used. SQL stands for Structured Query Language and can be used to perform different operations on MySQL databases. The below query is used to delete existing records from…

NodeJS Punycode: A Complete Guide

Node Js Punycode Thumbnail

Punycode is an encoding syntax representing Unicode using ASCII characters. Punycode can be helpful in transforming the UTF-8 string to ASCII.  UTF-8 is a standard universal encoding used worldwide, it is used to process, store and interchange text data on…