Aditya Gupta

Aditya Gupta

NodeJS Punycode: A Complete Guide

Node Js Punycode Thumbnail

Punycode is an encoding syntax representing Unicode using ASCII characters. Punycode can be helpful in transforming the UTF-8 string to ASCII.  UTF-8 is a standard universal encoding used worldwide, it is used to process, store and interchange text data on…

How to Use Node.JS StringDecoder

Node Js StringDecoder

NodeJS StringDecoder is used to decode the buffer data into a string. Buffer is used to storing the streams of binary data, since this binary data can only understandable by a computer, it is required to convert it into a…

NodeJS Timer Module and Methods to Know

NodeJS Timer Thumbnail

NodeJS Timer is used to set the time for execution of an expression, it gives the power to control the time of execution for different expressions. Node.js is used to create large servers, and process several requests and responses simultaneously,…