How to Read a Text File Using the Pandas Module

Today we are here to learn about some methods to read a text file using Python. Before getting started, make sure You have installed your python IDLE shell and the pip package installer. Else You can work on your command prompt by following our code snippets.

Before getting started, Let’s have quick look at what a

file is.

A text file contains only text and has no special formatting such as bold text, italic text, images, etc. The text files are identified with the .txt file extension, as shown in the example below.

Sample Text File
Sample Text File

We can manually read, write and manage data in a text file by opening it on our desktop. But Today, We are going to learn how to read the same text file using python. To do So, We need to use a special python module known as the

module. Before getting deeper into it, Let’s understand what a pandas module is.

pandas Module

is an open-source Python library or module that provides in-built high-performance data structures and data analysis tools. It is most preferably used to analyze data along with two other core python libraries- 
for data visualization and 
for mathematical operations.

We are going to install this module in the same way as our previous module using the pip installer as follows.

C:\Users\pc> pip install pandas

The above code snippet will install the 

module for us as follows.

Installing Panda Module 1
Installing Panda Module 1

Using this pandas module, We are going to apply the two most commonly used methods to read our text files as follows.

  • pandas.read_csv ()
  • pandas.read_fwf ()

Let’s understand those methods with their appropriate syntax followed by some examples in our code snippet.

pandas.read_csv ()


 method reads values in a text file, where the delimiter is a comma character. A Delimiter is a character that identifies the beginning or the end of a character string (i.e. nearly like a separator). The Syntax for this method is:

dataframe_name = pandas.read_csv(‘filename.txt’, sep=’ ‘, header=None, names=[“Column1”, “Column2”])

The parameters in the above code snippet are:

  • filename.txt: The location of the text file that is going to be read.
  • sep: It may be a comma, single space, double space, etc. It’s the Separator between two components in a text file. It’s optional.
  • header: This is also an optional field. By default, it will take the first line of the text file as a header. If our file contains no header then we can apply ”
    ” and then it will create the header on its own.
  • names: We can assign column names while importing the text file by using the
    <strong>names </strong>
    argument When there is no header. We can only use it when we do not have headers in our text file. So it’s also an optional parameter.

Example 1

Suppose We have a text file as follows.

Text File With Comma Delimiter
Text File With Comma Delimiter

We will read this file with

pandas.read_csv ()
method as follows.

# Importing pandas module as pd
import pandas as pd

# Read our text file into DataFrame df
df = pd.read_csv("C:\\Users\\pc\\Desktop\\folder\\new3.txt")

# Show dataframe

The above code snippet will give the output as follows.

Example 1 Output
Example 1 Output

Example 2

Let us take another text file as follows.

txt file with no heading and single space separator
txt file with no heading and single space separator

As We can see, there is no header in our text file. We will read this file with

pandas.read_csv ()
method by passing the parameter ”
” and specifying column names as A, B, and C as follows.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("C:\Users\pc\Desktop\folder\new2.txt", header=None, names=["A", "B", "C"], sep=" ")

The above code snippet will give the output as follows.

Example 2 Output
Example 2 Output

Example 3

Let us take another text file as follows.

a text file containing five fields
a text file containing five fields

We will read this file with

pandas.read_csv ()
method as follows.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("C:\\Users\\pc\\Desktop\\folder\\new.txt")

In the above code snippet, We are trying to read a txt file containing a table. It will give the following output.

example 3 output
example 3 output

The most common drawback of using this method is that it reads limited contents in a single line. So in our output screen, The Home and Salary columns are not visible and partially visible respectively. To overcome this problem We are using the

pandas.read_fwf ()
method. Let’s understand this method as well.

pandas.read_fwf ()

We use this method to access text files. The fwf stands for fixed-width lines. We will read data from the text files using this method with pandas. This

method read the contents effectively into separate columns.

Let us choose the same text file and we will try to access the file by using a different method (i.e.


import pandas as pd

#Using read_fwf() methd instead of read_csv() 
df = pd.read_fwf("C:\\Users\\pc\\Desktop\\folder\\new.txt")


The above code snippet will give the output as follows.

read_fwf() output
read_fwf() output

We can compare the outputs of

method by analyzing the below outputs.

Difference Between Read Csv And Read Fwf 2
Difference Between Read Csv And Read Fwf 2


In this article, We covered two methods along with the

module to read a text file using Python. Hope You must have practiced and enjoyed our code snippets. We must visit again with some more exciting topics.

Pankaj Kumar
Pankaj Kumar
Articles: 208