Snigdha Keshariya

Snigdha Keshariya

What Is JavaScript Used For?

Javascript Used For

JavaScript is mainly used on the web. It is used more than any other programming language, approximately 97.7% of websites use it to make the page content interactive. If you are aiming to become a web developer, JavaScript is something that…

Fabric.js – A Complete Guide


Fabric.js is a free, open-source JavaScript library that makes it easy to draw and interact with shapes, text, and images on an HTML5 canvas. It lets you move, resize, and rotate objects, supports animations, and can handle both canvas and…

What Does javascript:void(0); Mean?


Developers use javascript:void(0) in hyperlinks to prevent the browser default action, like navigating to a new page. The void operator makes sure that the link returns undefined, stopping the page from reloading or changing when clicked. In this article, let’s…