

Founder of Codeforgeek. Technologist. Published Author. Engineer. Content Creator. Teaching Everything I learn!

Desktop Notification Like Gmail using HTML5

Desktop notification is a way to notify user about important events even if the browser or tab is inactive or minimized. This increase the user experience and also keeps the user engage with your applications. In this tutorial i am…

Online Rich Text Editor using jQuery

There are many web applications which requires rich text editor (similar to notepad or any other text editor) such as blogging engine like WordPress or Blogger, feedback form, Online editors etc. In this tutorial i am going to explain how…

Time ago implementation in PHP

I have developed Ajax Search box for Codeforgeek and if you notice the result it shows the date in form of ‘about 5 days ago’. This is time ago implementation and since i use WordPress that’s why i made this on…

Visualize Server traffic using logstalgia

Web Server traffic visualization seems boring to do using raw logs. Logs contains textual information about request and response with code. I stumbleupon to one package called logstalgia which visualize the access logs graphically. It visualizes the traffic in form of ping…

Top 10 Programming Languages to Learn

top 10 programming language

Nick Diakopoulos in collaboration with IEEE spectrum compiled the list of top 10 programming languages you should learn. The ranking of the programming language was based on 12 metrics compiled from 10 sources. Some sources are Google, Github and IEEE xplore.…

Ajax Search Box in PHP and MySQL

Ajax Search Box PHP

In this tutorial, we are going to Build Ajax Search Box using PHP as core language. Ajax Search booms the usage of web projects such as one Google uses. Searching through Ajax and also maintaining less load on Server is…