

Founder of Codeforgeek. Technologist. Published Author. Engineer. Content Creator. Teaching Everything I learn!

IndexedDB : Database in browser

IndexedDB is a JavaScript-based object-oriented database. It provides key -value data management within browser. IndexedDB Api wraps the SQL like features to perform CRUD operation. In this tutorial i am going to explain basics about IndexedDB Api with sample code. Sample…

EventEmitter module in Node.js

NodeJs is capable of handling events. In fact many node modules such as fs.readstream emits event when it is done with reading file. You can also avail the benefits of events and program it by using EventEmitter module of NodeJs.…

Basic HTTP calls using Node.js

Node.js is designed for developing scalable network applications. We may face a situation where we need to perform HTTP calls from Node server to external server. Request is one of the popular node package which is designed to simplify HTTP calls and…

PHPMailer ultimate tutorial

PHP have inbuilt mail() function to send email right from the code. This is easy to use and effective too but it has one serious problem. It gives load to production server and also provide no guarantee about email delivery. PHPMailer is…

Express Complete tutorial : Part 4

Session is very important for any web application. Session handling help us to track the user activity and also to allow or disallow user to access particular part of web app. In last tutorial i have explained about routing of…