Wget for Windows

Wget is command line download manager utility in Linux which is used to download any files from web, just like what your browser do. I use Linux and Windows both, but when i use Windows i really miss wget because of it’s simplicity, ease of use and anonymity of operations (no one knows that you are downloading something). So here is a quick solution of using Wget in Windows.

Thanks to Gnu (Gnu not Unix) for providing us Windows compatible version of Wget. It comes as a windows installer so you all have to do is press “Next” buttons and it will be ready.

Download it from here. Once downloaded run the setup and install it in your system. After installing we have to set up the PATH of Windows environment in order to access wget from Command prompt any where in the system. Here is how to do set the enviroment path of windows.

If you have installed the Wget in default location then it will be most probably available in C:Program Files (x86)GnuWin32bin folder. If your location is different then go there and copy the path till the bin folder.

Right click on my computer and click “Properties“. Then select “Advanced System Setting” from left bar. Click on “environment variable” button placed at bottom.

You will see there are two section, “User variable” and “System Variable“. Go in second section which is “System variable” and find “Path” variable. Click on edit button and new window pops up. De-select the “Variable value” field and add “;” and then path which you have copied. For reference, here is a screen shot.

After that click on “OK” and open up new command prompt. Type wget and see whether it runs or not. Let me know if you have any doubts in it.


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