5 Insane Nonfungible Tokens Sold So Far

There was a time when cryptocurrencies were called the craziest and insane trends. But that has long gone and been replaced by Nonfungible Tokens today.

NFTs or nonfungible tokens are assets that are unique and uninterchangeable. Fiat money like Rupee and Dollar bills are interchangeable or fungible so to say. However, the Mona Lisa is non-fungible.

This means, I just cannot stroll up to the Louvre and offer to trade the Mona Lisa for a keychain!

Nonfungible tokens can be seen replicating an infinite time while at the same time, there can be only one official form in existence. In such a world, it is anticipated that there have been several bizarre moments, thanks to the headline-stealing insanity of it all!

Here are some of the weirdest and craziest nonfungible tokens sold so far.

#1 Fart Sounds

Yep, you read that right. When the lockdown began last year in March in Brooklyn, Alex Ramirez-Mallis and his squad of 4 sent one another audio recordings of their farts on WhatsApp Group chat. A year later, Alex auctioned that 52-minute audio recording as a nonfungible token or NFT!

The auction began at $90 and guess what? Someone was actually ready to pay $420 for the NFT, which is about 0.2415 ETH, and bought it.

“If people are selling digital art and GIFs, why not sell farts?” is what Ramírez-Mallis told New York Post. True words, never spoken; *sighs*. Moreover, Alex had also listed individual fart sounds as nonfungible tokens!

See NFT listing here.

#2 Pakistani Friendship Break-up Meme

Nonfungible Tokens Pak Meme Nft
Mohammed Asif Raza Rana’s Announcement-turned-to-meme NFT

Back in September 2015, Mohammed Asif Raza Rana enshrined his saga of friendship break-up with Mudasir on Facebook, had the social media by storm! Years after, on World Friendship Day 2021, this viral announcement-turned-to-meme was sold at $51,530 or 20 ETH as NFT, which is about ₹38 Lacs.

“I would never have known that [the post] would go so viral and that it would spread all over the world,” Rana stated to The Vice. This was Pakistan’s first meme NFT to be sold.

See NFT listing here.

#3 Crossroads by Beeple

Nonfungible Tokens Beeple Crossroads Still
A still from Crossroads by Beeple

Beeple, whose real name is Mike Winkelmann, a digital artist, sold a 10-second named ‘Crossroads’. It was listed as a dynamic NFT whose outcome would change on the basis of the election.

If Trump won the election, the 10-second video would depict him naked, all muscular, and stomping through hell. If Biden won, the video would depict Trump, the 45th President of the USA’s naked graffiti-covered and lifeless corpse, sprawled in a park on a shiny bright day.

Around the first time, it was sold was $66,666.60 however, later in February it was resold at a whopping $6.6 million which is worth 2098 ETH today.

See NFT listing here.

#4 Nyan Cat

The decade-old YT sensation, The Nyan Cat

About 10 years ago in 2011, the Nyan Cat was a YouTube sensation. It is a video of a pixelated cat with a pop-tart as its torso and a Japanese pop tune. Over the years, it became popular as a gif and was sold as the same.

“The design of Nyan Cat was inspired by my cat Marty, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge but lives on in spirit,” writes its creator in the description of the listing on the sales page of Nyan Cat. It ended selling for 300 ETH which was worth $941,919 in February 2021.

See NFT listing here.

#5 Jack Dorsey’s First Tweet

On 2:20 AM, 22nd March 2006, Jack Dorsey, the co-founder and CEO of Twitter, posted his first-ever tweet – ‘just setting up my twttr’.

Seems like the words were worth $2,915,835.47 ($2.9 million) which is equivalent to 1630.5826 ETH. Dorsey said the earnings will be converted to Bitcoin and contributed to GiveDirectly, an aid that is helping six African countries fight the COVID-19 outbreak.

With this, our mini list of crazy nonfungible tokens ends. However, the insanity isn’t! Find a link below to read about Nonfungible tokens in detail and how they work.

See NFT listing here.


There was a time when cryptocurrencies were called the craziest and insane trends. But that has long gone and been replaced by Nonfungible Tokens today. Take a look at some of the weirdest and craziest nonfungible tokens sold so far.

Read More: A Comprehensive Guide on Nonfungible Tokens (NFTs)

Links to Refer

Weirdest Nonfungible Tokens – MIC

Craziest Nonfungible Tokens Sales – CNET

Aneesha S
Aneesha S
Articles: 171