JavaScript Array some() Method

The some() method in JavaScript checks if at least one element in an array passes a test provided by a function. It iterates through each element of the array, applies the test function, and returns a Boolean value indicating whether any of the elements satisfy the test. Let us look at its syntax, parameters, return values, working and some examples.

Syntax of some() Method


Here is the meaning of each parameter in the above syntax:

  • callback: A test function.
  • element: The current element that is being processed.
  • index: The index of the current element
  • array: The array some was called upon.
  • thisArg: This optional parameter stores the context for the callback function, if not provided, undefined is used by default.


It returns true if any one of the array elements passes the test case and false if they don’t.

Working of some() Method

For using the given method, we need to define a function against which we would test the array elements. Observe the given code:

const numbers = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25];

function check(num){
    return num > 20;


The some() method would go back to the array, pick each element of it one by one, and send it to the test function. If even one of them satisfies the condition, it would return true, and if every element fails to meet the condition, it would return false.

Here we have created an array and function that checks for the presence of a number greater than 20, which is satisfied by the given array, hence, the some() method returns true.

Working of some() Method Output 1

Now if we change the condition and check for the presence of a number greater than 30 then:

const numbers = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25];

function check(num){
    return num > 30;


The some() method would return false here:

Working of some() Method Output 2

Click here to better understand the concept and usage of Array in JavaScript.

Examples of some() Method

Now that we know about the given method, let’s see how it’s used using some practical examples.

Example 1:

Let’s try to check if there is any string with more than 4 characters in our array.

const animals = ["Tiger", "Dog", "Cat"];
const flowers = ["Rose", "Lily"];

function check(str){
    return str.length > 4;

console.log("Condition check for animal array",animals.some(check));
console.log("Condition check for flower array",flowers.some(check));  

Now here, the elements in the array, if they have more than 4 letters, pass the test function and return true, otherwise, return false.

Example 1 Output

Example 2:

We will now take a number array and check it against different number tests, like even, prime, and palindrome.

const numbers = [17, 15, 11, 13];

function checkEven(num){
    return num % 2 === 0;

function checkPrime(num) {
    if (num <= 1) return false;
    for (let i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(num); i++) {
        if (num % i === 0) return false;
    return true;

function checkPalindrome(num) {
    const str = num.toString();
    const reversedStr = str.split('').reverse().join('');
    return str === reversedStr;
console.log("Array has an even number",numbers.some(checkEven));
console.log("Array has a Prime number",numbers.some(checkPrime));
console.log("Array has a Palindrome number",numbers.some(checkPalindrome));

In this code, we have three different test functions for even, prime, and palindrome numbers respectively, and we take a single array to test against all three of them. The elements here satisfy for prime (17, 11, 13) and palindrome (11) but fail for even (all are odd).

Example 2 Output

Example 3:

Here we take an array with some customers and their roles and check for tests against their roles as admin and intruder.

const costumers = [
    { name: "Monica", role: "user" },
    { name: "Rachel", role: "user" },
    { name: "Ross", role: "admin" },
    { name: "Joey", role: "user" }

function checkAdmin(person){
    return person.role === "admin";

function checkIntruder(person){
    return person.role === "intruder";

console.log("Group has admin in it",costumers.some(checkAdmin));
console.log("Group has intruder in it",costumers.some(checkIntruder));

In this case, if the role of the person matches that of the admin or intruder, the method returns true otherwise false.

Example 3 Output


The some() method in JavaScript checks if at least one element in an array meets a specific condition. It helps make our code shorter and easier to read by not having to go through the whole array.

If you want to know how to remove duplicate values ​​from an array in JavaScript then click here.


Snigdha Keshariya
Snigdha Keshariya
Articles: 92