Aerospike vs MongoDB: Clear Comparison

Have you been hearing a lot about Aerospike vs MongoDB? Is deciding on what database to go about getting difficult for you? Well, then this clear comparison guide on Aerospike vs MongoDB should help you choose the right NoSQL database for you.

Databases have evolved the way individuals and businesses handle and manage bulk data. it has made the lives of app developers, software engineers, data scientists, etc. easier than ever before. Popular names in the database management service industry include MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Cassandra, Redis, Aerospike, Firebase Realtime, and more.

Currently, two types of databases are popular – SQL types and NoSQL type databases. An SQL-type database stores data in tabular format and is best for structured data. On the flip side, a NoSQL database stores data in objects in popular formats like JSON and BSON. A NoSQL type database is best suited for unstructured data.

In this piece, I will walk you through a clear comparison of Aerospike vs MongoDB – the two most popular NoSQL type databases. The increasing competition only contributes more to the list of options and features available to users. This is exactly when there’s a need to compare similar database management systems according to your needs.

For the most part, it also depends on how cost-effective a database service is for you. So, let us get started with the ultimate Aerospike vs MongoDB comparison guide.

Aerospike vs MongoDB: Quick Overview

Before we start to compare Aerospike vs MongoDB, let me brief you a bit about both these NoSQL type databases.

Aerospike, founded in 2009, is an open-source NoSQL distributed database management system. it is popular for being lightweight, faster, and much reliable. Aerospike was formerly established as Citrusleaf.

MongoDB was founded in 2007 and also offers an open-source community version of the database management system. It is a document-oriented database that stores data in JSON-like formats inside collections. It was originally launched as 10gen.

Okay, so that was a good pep talk on both databases just before the Aerospike vs MongoDB databases comparison.

Aerospike vs MongoDB: Complete Comparison

Let us get started with the ultimate comparison of Aerospike vs MongoDB. Both MongoDB and Aerospike are popular NoSQL databases. However, every database offers different features and functionalities along with many similar services. It is upon you to decide what database is best for you because it majorly depends on how your application wants to behave.

There are times when you might end up installing multiple database services on your machine. Well, whatsoever it may be, this guide on Aerospike vs MongoDB should enlighten you on what would best suit you as well as your application.

To give you a clear-cut explanation of Aerospike vs MongoDB, I will take into account multiple factors for comparison between both these database management services. So, let us get started.

1. Speed

According to an excellent research paper published by Thumbtack Technology, I have drawn the below conclusions. The paper is a benchmark comparison of 4 different databases, namely, Aerospike, Cassandra, Couchbase, and MongoDB. I have extracted conclusions based on the comparison metrics and results of Aerospike and MongoDB.

Comparing the speed of both databases, Aerospike seems to run faster because of its low-load and simple data-access ability. It was even proven to be faster when used with a more optimized in-memory and SSD-based storage solution.

On the flip side, MongoDB ran slow in a perfect world and showed a slower write performance. However, it ran faster when more RAM space was offered.

Winner: Aerospike

2. Stability

The same research paper covers the stability aspects of both databases. The researchers at Thumbtack used their own customized version of YCSB (Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark) for the comparisons.

Although Aerospike has a simpler data access system, it is quite stable. MongoDB at this point had a problematic history with persisting data and load-balancing (failover) issues. However, the database is now way better with this. With an easier management facility, Aerospike too has a lesser vulnerability to scaling issues.

Winner: Aerospike

3. Language Support

This Aerospike vs MongoDB comparison factor takes into account the supported languages by both databases. MongoDB has a greater number of language support while Aerospike has lesser. Here’s the list of available drivers for both databases:

.NetActionscript (Unofficial driver)
ErlangClojure (Unofficial driver)
GoColdFusion (Unofficial driver)
JavaD (Unofficial driver)
JavaScript (Node.js)Dart (Unofficial driver)
LuaDelphi (Unofficial driver)
PythonGroovy (Unofficial driver)
 Lisp (Unofficial driver)
 Lua (Unofficial driver)
 MatLab (Unofficial driver)
 PowerShell (Unofficial driver)
 Prolog (Unofficial driver)
 R (Unofficial driver)
 Smalltalk (Unofficial driver)

Winner: MongoDB

4. Operating System Support

Here’s a list of the operating systems supported by Aerospike and MongoDB.

 Mac OS X

Winner: MongoDB

6. Documentation

The Aerospike documentation is precise however, for some of their products, it is still missing. MongoDB comes with detailed and easy-to-understand documentation.

Winner: MongoDB

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Databases have evolved the way individuals and businesses handle and manage bulk data. It has made the lives of app developers, software engineers, data scientists, etc. easier than ever before. Popular names in the database management service industry include MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Cassandra, Redis, Aerospike, Firebase Realtime, and more.

Currently, two types of databases are popular – SQL types and NoSQL type databases. An SQL-type database stores data in tabular format and is best for structured data. On the flip side, a NoSQL database stores data in objects in popular formats like JSON and BSON. A NoSQL type database is best suited for unstructured data.

In this piece, I have provided a clear comparison of Aerospike vs MongoDB – the two most popular NoSQL type databases.

Noteworthy References

Aneesha S
Aneesha S
Articles: 171