TypeScript vs JavaScript: When to Use Which?

If you have the option to create a Node.js project, which language would you choose: JavaScript or TypeScript?

Some of you say JavaScript because it’s familiar, but is that a valid reason to pick a language? Not really. To make a good decision, it’s crucial to understand both languages, their features, and their specific use cases. By doing so, you can choose the one that best fits your project requirements and that is all we will learn in this article. So let’s start.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is the standard and most popular language for making websites interactive. It can be used to add cool features to websites like making buttons work or updating content without reloading the page. JavaScript has been there since 1995 and is supported by all web browsers.

For more on JS, click here.

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript as the name indicates is like a sibling of JavaScript. It builds on top of JavaScript adding some extra features like “type checking” which allows us to add types and catch errors if type mismatch. So if JavaScript is a circle, TypeScript is a bigger circle that wraps it inside with more advanced features.

Key Differences Between TypeScript and JavaScript

1. Types and Type Checking

JavaScript does not check the types of variables and parameters. We can assign any type of value to any type of variable and this is a real problem that leads to unexpected behaviour and the worst part is you do even not get any errors.

Let’s understand with an example:

function addNumbers(a, b) {
    return a + b;

console.log(addNumbers(5, "10")); // This will return 510 (but no error)

So here we can see, during a function call which supposed to be taking numbers and adding them, we passed a number and string and JavaScript added them which means it simply concatenates them, which is not a valid mathematical operation.

On the other hand, TypeScript requires defining the types of variables during declaration.

Let’s see the same example in TS:

function addNumbers(a: number, b: number): number {
    return a + b;

console.log(addNumbers(5, "10")); // TypeScript Error: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.

Here if we pass something other than a number, an error is thrown.

2. Error Checking

Errors in the JS code only show when we run the program so debugging takes a longer time and it is irritating as well. On the other hand, TS catches errors before we even run the program, taking less time and easier to fix mistakes.

3. Advanced Features

JavaScript has all the basic features but it is simple and can become complex to manage for large projects whereas TS offers advanced features like interfaces and classes, which help us to organize code and manage large projects effectively.

4. Learning Curve

JavaScript is easier to start with, especially for beginners. It is simple and straightforward and you can find all of your error solutions online because it is widely used.

TypeScript may take a bit more time to learn because of its additional features and type system but if you learn it you learn JavaScript as well.

5. Popularity

Since JavaScript is older, it has a large community and there are lots of resources available online. Almost every developer knows JavaScript. On the other hand, TypeScript is recently gaining popularity, especially when new frameworks based on Node.js are built with compatibility with TypeScript and many of them also recommend using it.

When to Use Which?

Now comes the ultimate question: When should you use JavaScript, and when should you use TypeScript?

If You Are New to JavaScript and TypeScript

If you don’t know both and are confused about which one to choose. I would suggest you learn the basics of JavaScript first, it’s easier and will keep your interest in server-side programming and once you know the basics then instead of going to advanced go to TypeScript and then learn its advanced concepts. This will help you master all TypeScript advanced concepts that are absent in JavaScript and also help you know JavaScript better because after all everything is somehow JavaScript-based.

If You Know Both

If you know both and you are working on a small project or you need a quick prototype of something, you can choose JavaScript. It is simple and gets the job done without much work. And if you are working on some larger projects or working with a team or with thirty-party frameworks like React or Next.js you should pick TypeScript. It helps in keeping code organised and reduces bugs by catching errors early.

Also, JavaScript is somehow fast in execution because TS eventually compiles to JavaScript and then executes so using JavaScriot remove that additional TS to JS compilation steps but this difference is very minor.


That is all this comparison is about. In the end, it is suggested that you choose the one based on your skills and your project needs. Both criteria should be kept in mind when choosing one. Now, if want to go with TypeScript, we appreciate your decision and you can learn how to create a simple program in it by reading our introductory article: What is TypeScript? An Overview


Aditya Gupta
Aditya Gupta
Articles: 151