$sort Modifier in MongoDB – Ultimate Guide

In this tutorial, I will cover the $sort modifier in MongoDB. The $sort modifier will help us modify the order of the elements in an array when we conduct a $push operation.

To arrange in ascending order, we specify 1. For descending order, we specify, -1. The $sort modifier must be used together with the $each operator. Only the $sort modifier has an impact if you give an empty array [] to the $each operator.

This guide will give you several examples of using the $sort modifier in MongoDB. So, let us get started.

The $sort Modifier in MongoDB Syntax

  $push: {
     field: {
       $each: [ value1, value2, ... ],
       $sort: sort specification

The newer versions of the $sort modifier accept array elements that are not documents. However, the previous versions did not.

Using the $sort Modifier in MongoDB

Let us look at different examples to work with the $sort modifier in MongoDB.

Sorting an Array of Documents by a Field Using the $sort Modifier in Ascending Order

In this example, I will take a small database collection where we shall sort an array of documents by field in the ascending order inside the mongo shell using the $sort modifier in MongoDB.

  • Start up the Mongo server
  • Use the database you want to work in using the use db_name command
  • Let us take a look at our animals collection in our animalShelter database:
> db.animals.find().pretty()
        "_id" : ObjectId("6171984b68378cae00d83ac7"),
        "animal" : "Cats",
        "Maine Coons" : [
                        "name" : "Lucy",
                        "age" : 3
                        "name" : "Lola",
                        "age" : 2
                        "name" : "Lola",
                        "age" : 5
        "_id" : ObjectId("6171984b68378cae00d83ac8"),
        "animal" : "Dogs",
        "Chihuahuas" : [
                        "name" : "Nancy",
                        "age" : 8
                        "name" : "Nora",
                        "age" : 10
                        "name" : "Norman",
                        "age" : 7
        "_id" : ObjectId("6171984b68378cae00d83ac9"),
        "animal" : "Hamsters",
        "Dwarf Roborovski Hamsters" : [
                        "name" : "Henry",
                        "age" : 1
                        "name" : "Harry",
                        "age" : 2
                        "name" : "Hannah",
                        "age" : 4
  • Now, let us push more hamsters into the Dwarf Roborovski Hamsters array. We also want to sort the elements in an ascending age field order:
> db.animals.update(
...    { "animal" : "Hamsters" },
...    {
...      $push: {
...        "Dwarf Roborovski Hamsters" : {
...          $each: [ { "name" : "Harrison", age: 5 }, { "name" : "Harley", age: 0.5 }, { "name" : "Heidi", age: 3 } ],
...          $sort: { age: 1 }
...        }
...      }
...    }
... )

WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })
  • Now, let us find all documents to check if the operation was successful:
> db.animals.find().pretty()
        "_id" : ObjectId("6171984b68378cae00d83ac7"),
        "animal" : "Cats",
        "Maine Coons" : [
                        "name" : "Lucy",
                        "age" : 3
                        "name" : "Lola",
                        "age" : 2
                        "name" : "Lola",
                        "age" : 5
        "_id" : ObjectId("6171984b68378cae00d83ac8"),
        "animal" : "Dogs",
        "Chihuahuas" : [
                        "name" : "Nancy",
                        "age" : 8
                        "name" : "Nora",
                        "age" : 10
                        "name" : "Norman",
                        "age" : 7
        "_id" : ObjectId("6171984b68378cae00d83ac9"),
        "animal" : "Hamsters",
        "Dwarf Roborovski Hamsters" : [
                        "name" : "Harley",
                        "age" : 0.5
                        "name" : "Henry",
                        "age" : 1
                        "name" : "Harry",
                        "age" : 2
                        "name" : "Heidi",
                        "age" : 3
                        "name" : "Hannah",
                        "age" : 4
                        "name" : "Harrison",
                        "age" : 5

Great! Our hamsters are now systematically listed in ascending order by age with the help of the $sort modifier in MongoDB!

Sorting an Array of Documents by a Field Using the $sort Modifier

In this example, I will take a small database collection where we shall sort an array of documents by field inside the descending order inside the mongo shell.

> db.animals.update(
...     { "animal" : "Dogs" },
...     {
...       $push: {
...         "Chihuahuas" : {
...           $each: [ { "name" : "Nathan", age: 3 }, { "name" : "Noah", age: 1 }, { "name" : "Nash", age: 0.2 } ],
...           $sort: { age: -1 }
...         }
...       }
...     }
...  )

WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })
  • Let us check our documents now:
> db.animals.find().pretty()
        "_id" : ObjectId("6171984b68378cae00d83ac7"),
        "animal" : "Cats",
        "Maine Coons" : [
                        "name" : "Lucy",
                        "age" : 3
                        "name" : "Lola",
                        "age" : 2
                        "name" : "Lola",
                        "age" : 5
        "_id" : ObjectId("6171984b68378cae00d83ac8"),
        "animal" : "Dogs",
        "Chihuahuas" : [
                        "name" : "Nora",
                        "age" : 10
                        "name" : "Nancy",
                        "age" : 8
                        "name" : "Norman",
                        "age" : 7
                        "name" : "Nathan",
                        "age" : 3
                        "name" : "Noah",
                        "age" : 1
                        "name" : "Nash",
                        "age" : 0.2
        "_id" : ObjectId("6171984b68378cae00d83ac9"),
        "animal" : "Hamsters",
        "Dwarf Roborovski Hamsters" : [
                        "name" : "Harley",
                        "age" : 0.5
                        "name" : "Henry",
                        "age" : 1
                        "name" : "Harry",
                        "age" : 2
                        "name" : "Heidi",
                        "age" : 3
                        "name" : "Hannah",
                        "age" : 4
                        "name" : "Harrison",
                        "age" : 5

Awesome! Our dogs are now ordered in a descending fashion after the $sort modifier in MongoDB operation.

Read More: $eq Operator in MongoDB: Comprehensive 2021 Guide


We learned how to use the $sort modifier in MongoDB. We hope you enjoyed this tutorial. For more such easy tutorials, make sure you follow CodeForGeek.

Noteworthy References

MongoDB Docs

Aneesha S
Aneesha S
Articles: 172